Plant Care: Regular Maintenance
Our friendly and experienced team of horticulturists will care for your plants on regularly scheduled visits. Plants will be well tended, cleaned, and pruned. Any pest issues will be managed quickly and effectively. With the Greenjeans Plant Replacement Guarantee we ensure the integrity of the original design is maintained by refreshing your plants as part of the service.
Maintaining excellence requires our ongoing investment in the development and training of our team. We’re committed to continuous training and evolution that provides industry best practices to serve our team and our clients.
As stewards of your workplace environment and public spaces, we take seriously our responsibility for the safety of your people, our team, and our community. With regards to Covid-19, Greenjeans Interiorscape follows all government and AHS recommended hygiene procedures, social distancing, mandatory isolation, gathering restrictions and spread prevention protocols.
Our staff are vetted for security clearance. We’re responsive to any compliance or security requirements you may have. Our people are discreet and are always identifiable via uniform.